Friday, January 16, 2009


Ahh, freshly washed diapers. My favorite laundry to wash would have to be towels, but diapers is a very close second. And what says 'I love you' more than a fresh dipe to put on that chunky heiny? I use several types of dipes; the cotton ones w/ pins -although there is a new thing called a "Snappi" that I'm dying to try, it's stretchy plastic and holds the dipe w/out pins. Then there's a Pocket style diaper and the All In One. And then there's the cute patterned Pockets I'm making. Do you use diapers -well not you personally, I hope, but if you do, I'm not judging... Are your children in them? What kind do you or have you used?

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Hi Sarah, Good for you and the environment by using cloth diapers! For my two I used the cheapest diaper I could find. At the time it was a good idea, but now I feel sad that the diapers probably are sitting in the landfill and won't be dissolved for a century, shame on me!!! love your thoughts on raising your boys to be "well-rounded" that's great! See you on Sat. at Tracey's.