Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Summer Fun

Oh, that smile! Happy to be in the water all day long.

Best friends splashing and playing together. These two have been best friends I think since the day they met. We're so happy that Baby Love has a good Christian friend to play with. Both the boys have such tender hearts and gently spirits.

The sun and water finally got the best of Chunky Monkey! It takes a lot for this little guy to take a nap anymore. But the elements won out this time! Praise the Lord for nap time! ;)

Baby Love told me shortly before leaving that he was, "getting really pruney."

Summer here is almost ending. It went by so fast this year. We've had trips to the water park, splash pad and my parents' pool. The boys are getting so big. My heart feels sad when I realize how quickly the time goes by. But I am so thankful for my time as a mother. There is not one thing that I could be doing right now that is more important than my job here at home. Enjoying my blessed life and giving God praise for the life I have. What are you feeling blessed about?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Chore Cards

Sorry for the lame-o pics. Talked w/ the gals on our Christian Home Schooling grp and said I would post our Chore Cards. Which, was inspired by Titus 2 ministries. The construction paper is laminated w/ clear contact paper. Baby Love does do his chore cards when asked. When they are completed to satisfaction, he earns 4 gold coins and then can use those to do fun things. -Same idea as Chuck E. Cheese w/out the loud noise or overpriced pizza!
The top pic is the am Chore Cards and is missing #5 which is breakfast.
#1. Go Potty
#2. Wash Hands
#3. Brush Teeth
#4. Get Dressed
#5. Breakfast
#6. Eat Vitamin
#7. Put Dishes Away
#8. Devotional/Time w/ the Lord
Night time Chore Cards are shorter:
#1. Put Away Toys
#2. Go Potty
#3. Wash Hands/Face
#4. Brush Teeth
#5. Put on Jammies
#6. Story/Bible time and Pray
So how do your kids get ready for bed? Is there a routine? We'll be getting on a routine once the school season starts. Sweet Dreams!
Simply Sarah

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Rainy, Harry Weekend

It has been a wonderfully rainy day. Our house is filled with the smell of iced cafe latte and french vanilla candles and Harry Connick Jr. is singing to me. I've got almost all of my laundry done and hung on a vintage, very large wooden drying rack. (A great find through Freecycle.)
DH made blueberry pancakes and they were fantastic! There's a pic of what happens when you eat too many blueberries; a stained butt! Poor Chunky Monkey, his heiny is stained purple...
Think I'll have a cup of tea, sit and read a book for a while. Happy Sunday!
Simply Sarah

Friday, August 21, 2009

Blueberry Picking

Blueberry picking was wonderful. The weather was great, somewhere in the 70's and a little overcast. Not sure how long we were there, but the boys loved eating and picking. Chunky Monkey ate more than he picked, so it is blue poo I fear for this evening...
Found an organic farming co-op and am so excited. I really want the boys to appreciate where REAL food comes from and learn how it grows. I'll be getting a working share, so we'll participate in the harvest. Have a happy weekend!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm Baaaack!

Sorry I disappeared for so long. I took a long walk off a short cliff and amazingly enough, found my way back again! That's determination for ya.

Summer has been unbelievable busy this year. DH and I built stairs up to our porch and did a fantastic job if I do say so myself. And I am saying so. -Having never attempting anything like it we really surprised ourselves.

Now we need to install the dishwasher and countertop next month. As a once notorious magician said, "busy, busy, busy."

So hope to give some more updates soon. Hope your summer is going wonderfully. I'm thinking of Christmas gift ideas already. Never too early to start, especially for a procrastinator like me! Which reminds me of those Halloween costumes I've gotta find material for...