Sick Chunky Monkey

Our Chunky Monkey is sick. He puked around 2 a.m., hence this post at 3:55 a.m. Can't sleep. He just went from being a fat, happy baby to a sad, sad one. He's been struggling with staying "regular" so if any of you has some ideas, shoot me an email. I've tried prunes, Karo syrup and water, juice, applesauce; finally I had to resort to the dreaded suppository. When he puked on me in bed I was thankful that I had the shower curtain down. (I keep a shower curtain under the mattress pad. Great for kids potty training or the surprise up-chucker.) I woke up DH to help me get Baby Love out of bed before he rolled in the mess. My DH is great. He helped me bathe Chunky Monkey and that warm water helped him get cleaned out. Sorry to be so graphic, I figure if you've seen any television in the last 6 years, you've seen and heard a lot worse... So after we got him cleaned up DH prayed over him. I can't imagine being a single parent. Being a parent is a 24 hr. job. There are no paid holidays, sick days. Just 24/7 and overtime. But I love my job and am glad that this is what I get to do for a lot more years to come, Lord willing. So as soon as this "bug" gets outta his system I hope to post again. I'm thinking of a Top Ten Money Saving List. Talk to you later.
I hope Mr. Kazoo feels better soon.
What a sweet sweet little boy! It stinks when they are sick! Feel sooo bad for them. Good idea about the shower curtain. I too, am a big fan of mattress protectors on all my beds, even on the sofa sleeper. I was stuck for the beds in our camper, but now I know what to use! Thanks for the tip. Thanks for your comments and insight on my blog. I struggle w/ kids' reaction like what you described and I am trying to avoid my kids' acting that way too. I will celebrate their accomplishments, but like what you said "Simply". Love your blog!
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