Recently we (me, DH, Baby Love, and Chunky Monkey) all went to the local grocery store after church. Since the kids were sleeping, DH went in alone. I parked along the curb away from the door, but close enough that I could see when he came out so as not to have him freeze any longer than necessary. It has been biting cold here! As I'm waiting, I see a young college aged girl pushing a cart heaping; and when I say heaping, I mean HEAPING with beer cans tied in plastic grocery bags. As she's getting near the door, it was like she approached a tornado. The bags of beer cans went swirling up in the air and so did that baseball cap she was wearing! So here she is trying to get her hat back on to look cool, and she's jumping up to catch beer can bags. Then it happened. They started swirling out into the parking lot and then they busted open! That was it, I couldn't take it anymore. I literally hid in between my van seats shirking my shoulders in laughter with tears running down my eyes and making snorting noises! Oh, I couldn't help it. It was so funny! I felt bad for her, but not too bad!
Have you ever had laughing fits in places where you shouldn't?